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caron levis Scribbling for kids, teens, and groan-ups

caron levis Scribbling for kids, teens, and groan-ups
"I couldn't believe how much he participated. You don't understand, he never participates.
That was huge for him."
‑2nd grade teacher, Explore Charter School
Author Visits
Revved Readers & Emotional Explorers!

Get a glimpse of how I explore with readers in this video.
Hello Readers & Emotional-Explorers!
I've been working with kids for for over twenty years to enhance creative, social/emotional, and literacy skills––through play and joy! I’m trained and experienced in student engagement, assessment, affect-level, and behavior strategies (aka, I’ll get that energy up, but won’t leave you with a room of ping-pong balls:)
Contact Authors Out Loud for rates and to book. Contact me to ask anything!
Thank you for all you do for young readers,
Always, Caron
“Caron’s interactive, full body presentation along with hands-on activities kept kids engaged and emotionally connected to the story as well as her experiences in book making.
I’ll be using some of her grounding technique for my own future class visits!”
-Alessandra Affinito, NYPL Librarian Organizer.
All Visits: Revved Readers, Big Feelings & Big FUN!
• Always Interactive: I use my acting & storytelling skills to engage kids in-person or remote
• Explore social/emotional themes and skills.
• Reveal & Engage students in the writing process and literacy language.
• Have Fun! Because writing is Seriously Playful Business.
• Flow & Flex: I am skilled in adapting to unexpected changes, kid questions, tech glitches, and more.
WHO: I have workshops for Pre-K through Groan-Ups! Yup, I adore and adapt to all ages.
WHAT: Choose from the offerings below or go to my Authors Out Loud page!
WHERE: In-Person or Virtual
WHEN: Currently booking School year 2023/24
WHY: Books + Play + Real-life author/educator/LMSW with acting experience= joyful learning for all!
HOW LONG? Most visits K& up are 45-60 minutes. Pre-K is typically 25-30. Drop-By-Chats are 20.
HOW MUCH? Wide variety of options= range of rates! ($600-4,000) Ask for up to date rates at Authors Out Loud
(for Drop In Q&A or options for local under-resourced schools
Do You Donate Visits? I donate a select amount of visits to under-resourced schools only. Request me through An Open Book Foundation in D.C.; Greenlight Bookstore or Books Are Magic in NYC; Authors-Out-Loud, or contact me directly for other availability.
Current Programming for Remote or In Person
Interactive Storytime, Activity, Q&A (in-person or remote): Pre-k & UP 30-45 minutes.
A full interactive storytime plus an activity/Q&A. Kids explore creativity, emotions, relationships. Adapted to age. Optional pre/post activity sheets allow you to take the visit further. Also available for Caregiver Enrichment Events.
Shaping Stories: The Writers Process Revealed: (K & Up, 45-60 minutes) As Caron shares her process for shaping ideas into stories and how an idea becomes a published book participants identify essential craft elements (characters, setting, plot, main idea), discover techniques for writing and revising —and get inspired to create their own stories! They’ll learn about the teamwork and emotional qualities (excitement, curiosity, and grit!) that a writer needs to create a finished book. Add this to an Interactive Storytime session or read the books before the visit. Adapted for student ages and stages. Also available for Caregiver Enrichment Events.
Emotional Explorers!: K & UP, 45-60 minutes.
Through interactives reading and activities readers explore feelings and friendships. We’ll make text-to-self connections and practice skills (through writing, drawing, and/or role-play) that support the identification and navigation of emotions in ourselves and others. Add this to an Interactive Storytime or read my books before the visit. Adapted for participants grade/developmental stage. Also Available as a Professional Development for educators.
Writing Is ReVISION: (2rd & Up, 45-60 minutes.) Get students engaged in the power of ReVISION. Participants discover Caron’s Acts of ReVISION and see the small and big changes she has made in the many, many, sooo many drafts of her books. They’ll learn and practice tools to enthusiastically apply to their own work. Also Available as a Professional Development for educators.
REMOTE Only Drop-By Q&A*: (20 minutes for K and up) Informal writers-chat. Pre-visit, students read my books and prepare some questions about the writing process! If students do activities beforehand, they can then share them with me during the visit. Request this visit directly to

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