10/01/22: Join me for signing, chatting, dining and supporting in Frostburg, Maryland!
~12-2pm Book Signing Session at Main Street Books: Pre-pub day copies of Feathers Together will be available! This is part of the annual fall arts walk in the City of Frostburg, so come for a book at this loveliest of bookstores and then explore art around town!
~5:30-8pm CLC 40th Anniversary Book Award banquet and fundraiser event at Hotel Gunter, Frostburg Maryland. As an award alumni I’ll be there to introduce this year’s winner, Jocelyn Li Lagrand. Tickets and information available here:
10/09, 1pm EST: Join me AND CHARLES SANTOSO and other fabulous picture book creators for this Books Of Wonder remote event at 1pm EST (Charles will be staying up verrry late from Singapore, so come keep him awake:)
10/15: Storytime open to all at Greenlight Bookstore! Two Brooklyn locations. 11:30 a.m Fort Greene; 1:30 p.m. PLG https://www.greenlightbookstore.com/event/2022-10
11/06: Storytime for all at Books Are Magic with author Josh Funk! This is a two-fer. I am delighted to be reading with Josh Funk at this event—reserve your spot In-person event. Registration Required. Books Are Magic, 225 Smith Street, Brooklyn, NY, USA
11/13: Brooklyn Museum Book Fair: Feathers Together Storytime and book signing. Join me and a plethora of incredible Brooklyn based children's book creators. Chat and craft with us, get signed books for you and your holiday gifts.
School Visits: (not open to public) Contact me to book a Feathers Together author visit with your students write2caron@gmail.com
Excited to Launch Feathers Together with these students...
10/03 School Visit: with An Open Book Foundation in Washington, DC. Very happy to be again working with this great organization that brings free books and book creators to schools. (not public event)
10/04 School Visit: at Capitol Hill Day School, Washington D.C. I am so excited to spend pub day at the school where my sister is the amazing Learning Support Coordinator.